Come on in and visit our store full of Cross stitch patterns, fabric, fibers and everything that goes with it. Our address is 4220 Bluffton Road Fort Wayne Indiana. We are open Mon – Fri 9:30-5:30 and Sat 9:30-4:00 closed on Sundays. Our phone number is 260-478-1301. The email for us is We also have a Facebook page it is Stitch ‘N Frame Ft Wayne the picture of the front of the store is on it also.
This is one of our two stitch groups that meet here or you are welcome to come in any day to stitch or your spouse can sit while you shop for all of your fun new projects
We celebrate Christmas all year round in our Christmas room. It’s full of Christmas Kits of Stockings, Ornaments and Christmas Pictures both large and small
This is the wall of kits from Dimension, Janlynn, Bucilla, Riolis, and Design Works
This is our ever changing display of our models. We change it according to the seasons. The table is to display something that is new and exciting that we want you to see as you walk in to the shop.
Our local Embroiderer’s Guild meet every third Monday from 9:30 am – 2:00pm (except in May and December) at the downtown Allen County Public Library Room C. For more information please call Tauna Griffith at 260-625-1028 or Rachel McNett at 260-749-4987. Their website is and they also are on Facebook. They welcome all areas of needlework and fabric arts.
- ORDERINGBefore ordering please read how to place order under Ordering and Policies
- Accessories
- Charts/Leaflets
- A. Fox Original
- All Through the Night
- Amy Bruecken
- Anabella’s
- AnnaLee WaiteDesigns
- Annie Beez Folk Art
- Annie’s
- Artful Offerings
- Auty TM Designs
- Barbara Ana Designs
- Barefoot Needleart
- Bent Creek
- Blackbird Designs
- Blue Flower
- Blue Ribbon Designs
- Blueberry Ridge Designs
- Bobbie G. Designs
- Brittercup Designs
- Butternut Road
- Carriage House Samplings
- Cat and Mouse
- Chessie & Me
- CM Designs
- Cody Country Crossstitch
- Cosford Rise Stitchery
- Cottage Garden Samplings
- Cotton Pixels
- Couleur d’Etoile
- Country Cottage Needleworks
- Country Stitches/With thy Needle & Thread
- Crafty Bluebonnet Designs
- Cross Eyed Cricket
- Cross Wing Collection
- Cuore E Batticuore
- Dames of the Needle
- Designing Women
- Designs By Lisa
- Douglas Designs
- Drawn Thread
- Erica Michaels
- Fairy Wool in the Wood
- Finally A Farmgirl
- Foxwood Crossing
- From the Heart
- Frony Ritter Design
- Ginger & Spice
- Glendon Place
- Graphs By Barbara & Cheryl
- Hands Across the Sea Samplers
- Hands on Design
- Hands To Work
- Happiness Is Heartmade
- Heart In Hand Needleart
- Heartstring Samplery
- Hello from Liz Mathews
- Homespun Elegence
- Imaginating
- Ink Circle
- It’s Sew Emma
- Jardin Prive
- JBW Designs
- Jeanette Crew Designs
- Kathy Barrick
- Keslyns
- Kustom Krafts
- La D Da
- Lavender & Lace
- Leisure Arts
- Lila’s Studio
- Lilipoints
- Lindy Stitches
- Little House Needleworks
- Lizzie Kate
- Les petites croix de Lucie
- Lilli Violette
- Lucy Beam
- Luhu Stitches
- Luminous Fiber Arts
- Lynn’s Print/ Diane Graebner
- Madame Chantilly
- Mani di Donna
- MarNic Designs
- Miles To Go
- Mirabilia Designs
- MTV Cross Stitch Design
- My Big Toe
- Nebby Needle
- Needle Bling Designs
- Needle Work Press
- Needle’s Notion
- New York Dreamer Needleworks
- Nikyscreation
- Nora Corbett
- October House fiber arts
- P Buckley Moss
- Pickle Barrel Design
- Pegasus Original
- Pineberry Lane
- Plum Street Samplers
- Puckerbush
- Prairie Schooler
- Primrose Cottage Stitches
- Puntini Puntini
- Quaint Rose Needle Arts
- Rebel Stitcher Designs
- Robin Pickens inc
- Romy’s Creation
- Ronnie Rowe
- Rosewood Manor
- Rosie & Me
- Salty Stitcher Designs
- Scarlett House
- Scattered Seed Samplers
- ScissorTail Design
- Serenita Di Campagna
- Shakespeare’s Peddler
- Shannon Christine Designs
- Shepherd’s Bush
- Silver Creek Sampler
- Sister Lou Stitches
- Southern Stitchers Co.
- Stacey Nash Primitives
- Stitches by Ethel
- Stoney Creek Collection
- Sugar Maple Designs
- Summer House Stitche Workes
- Sweet Wing Studio
- Tellin Emblem
- Tempting Tangles Design
- Topknot Stitcher Shop
- The Mindful Needle
- The Stitchworks
- The Wishing Thorn
- Thistle
- Threadwork Primitive
- Three Sheep Studio
- Tidewater Originals
- Tiny Modernist
- Told In A Garden
- Tralala
- Tree Of Life Sampler
- Trellis & Thyme
- Triology
- Twin Peak Primitives
- Val’s Stuff
- Vickery Collection
- Victoria Sampler
- Vintage NeedleArts
- Waxing Moon
- X’s & Oh’s
- Fabrics
- Fibers
- Classic Colorworks
- DMC Color Variations
- DMC Coloris
- DMC Floss
- DMC Light Effects
- DMC Pearl Cotton Size 5
- DMC Pearl Cotton Size 8
- DMC Pearl Cotton Size 12
- Gentle Arts Sampler Threads
- Glissen Gloss Colorwash
- Glissen Gloss Rainbow Blending Filament
- Kreinik #4 Braid
- Kreinik #8 Braid
- Kreinik Blending Filament
- Kreinik Japan Thread
- Weeks Dye Works
- Frames/finishing
- Kits
- Mill Hill Beads
- Pre-made Items